
How Your Business Can Reach the Hispanic Market Through Music, Food and Family

There are numerous ways businesses can generate more interest and revenue from the Hispanic market in the United States. But to get the most bang for your buck, the key is tapping into Hispanic culture so you can focus on what matters to this segment the most. Hispanics living in the United States predominantly come […]

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The Significant Cultural Facts of the Hispanic Population

The Hispanic population is becoming the driving force of the major industries in the US. The latest Nielsen report shows that they contribute about 56% of the total population. Furthermore, the number is bound to grow by 60% in the coming five years. The auto industry is the biggest beneficiary of the demographic shift. Studies show that […]

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3 key characteristics of Hispanic Culture that can support your strategy

In the Hispanic community, culture is a thing to be embraced. Ever since Latino children are young, they are taught the virtue of respeto (respect) and dignidad (dignity) as far as their Hispanic heritage is concerned; this is one of the characteristics of Hispanic culture embraced by many. As the Latino people continue to influence the American culture, here […]

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Hispanics Have the Discretionary Spend Businesses Can’t Afford to Ignore

As we’ve discussed in detail throughout this series, the Hispanic population in the United States is growing at a higher rate than any other segment in the country. Businesses need to devote a significant amount of their advertising efforts to this burgeoning market or they will have difficulty in reaching their sales goals and be […]

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3 cultural insights of Latinos that every marketer should know

Marketers who are interested in penetrating the Latino market in the United States and expanding their market share need some important cultural insights that will help them to navigate this fast-growing community easily. According to Nielsen, Hispanics are responsible for 50 percent of US population growth observed from 2010 to 2015. This fact coupled with their […]

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Five Articles That Provide Insight into Hispanic Consumers

In an attempt to gain a closer understanding of the Hispanic community as far as marketing is concerned, a lot of information exists online in the form of Hispanic articles. While the information is indeed vast, a question arises regarding whether they are both valid and relevant. These concerns make the process of looking for […]

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Engaging Hispanic Millennials through understanding the Hispanic Culture

Marketers are spending most of their time discussing the importance of Hispanic millennial consumers more than any other thing. The focus on this group is meaningful since the Hispanic millennials are just about to unlock their purchasing power. In the wake of this revelation, marketers of various brands are forced to come up with appealing marketing strategies […]

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Do’s and Don’ts of the Latino Market: 4 Tips for the Best Approach

The justified buzz in the marketing world for a slice of the Latino market calls for much more effort in developing focused content and using strategies that can attract and retain Latino customers. An almost 60 million strong customer segment with an evidently increasing purchasing power needs more than just simple translations of marketing content […]

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Hispanic family culture and Real Estate: 3 ways to Boost your Real Estate Sales

The number of Hispanic home owners is fast rising in the United States. According to the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Agents (NAHREP) statistics, more than 7.3 million Hispanics own homes in the U.S which represent more than 40% of home ownership in America. This figure is set to increase as more Hispanic Millenials reach […]

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3 Key Insights Drawn From a Growing Hispanic Population

The Hispanic population in the United States is currently at an all-time high of 57 million. Hispanics currently represent 18% of the US population, but given their high population growth rate, it is expected that they will represent 24 percent of the US population by 2040 and 29% by 2060. According to census statistics procured by […]

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