When marketing to any potential customer, it’s important to determine what they truly value. Failing to do so will result in campaigns that fall short in grabbing attention or motivating the desired behavior. When it comes to the Hispanic market living in the United States, there are several common characteristics that your business should take into consideration when fashioning its advertising campaigns. If you want your product to be top of mind in the Hispanic community, it’s crucial that you integrate these commonalities to create the emotional connection needed to produce long-term loyalty to your brand.
Hispanics living in the United States predominantly come from 21 different countries; spanning disparate social, economic and geographic regions. The challenge is extrapolating unities that speak to each of these diverse backgrounds so that they can be incorporated into your marketing campaigns appropriately. When examining each of these backgrounds for shared insights and trends, there are three common denominators that keep popping up time and time again no matter the Hispanic country of origin:
Music – Music pervades Hispanic culture, setting the tone for mood, expression and celebration.
Food – Food is a foundation for community and a means of expressing one’s authenticity.
Family – Everything begins and ends with family, love and banding together for a common purpose.
If you want to create a buzz within the Hispanic community that gets customers talking to their family, friends and colleagues about your brand, the best way to reach this goal is to include values that Hispanics hold near and dear. Adapting your campaigns to focus on one or all of these values, will not only appeal to Hispanics, but deepen their connection to your brand on an emotional and molecular level. Adherence to culture is absolutely critical when advertising to any demographic, Hispanics included. Marketing a purely American culture will sacrifice opportunities to connect with individuals still very much tied to where they or their family originated. If done so correctly, you will not only gain new customers, but the sense of family and community that Hispanics exemplify will earn you some brand ambassadors for life.