Latino Marketing Strategies

In the U.S., being ‘Latino’ or ‘Hispanic’ may mean the same thing especially with regard to census definition. In much finer terms, it can be separated to mark the origin, heritage or lineage of the person or their parents (Latino – from Latin America) or just identifying with a culture or heritage of Spanish nature whether coming from Latin America or from other countries (Hispanic). This clear separation is ever more important for marketing, digital marketing and sales directors who must know the particular group their content is targeting, failure to which their huge marketing expenses may not yield much.

Below are a few aspects to consider when developing strategies and content for Latino consumers.

Avoid Total Market Strategies

Hispanic population represents a lucrative opportunity for brands and businesses due to a growing population and increasing purchasing power, most marketers are falling into the trap of using total market strategies to reach Latinos. Forbes is, however, warning about this approach, since even among Latinos, sub-culture specific content is required. Specific advertising and marketing strategies targeting Latino households will help drive brands into more Latino households than brands that ignore the intricacies of Latino marketing.

Culture is Key

Latinos are highly culture-oriented with deep attachments to their family and origins. Only companies that recognize this can have any meaningful sales within this important consumer group. They are extremely loyal to their brands and will stick to companies that develop specific Latino marketing strategies.

Cultural intelligence is the tool that all sharp marketers are employing to avoid the pitfalls of simple English to Spanish translations of adverts and content. Even with declined immigration from Latin America and having more American born Latinos than ever before, research is showing that this group still identifies with its cultures and tastes just like their parents and ancestors.


Target Different Sub-Groups

There are different subgroups within the Latinos for which marketing content can be developed. Relying on general family or population adverts may not be effective, considering that the needs of key groups such as teens, millennials and women are varied. With Latinos being rated as among the top mobile savvy groups in the U.S. marketers can use services that drive new Latino customers and turn a company’s online channels into magnets specifically aimed at Hispanics. This is key to their increasing their market share in the U.S. Latino market through effective and proven online strategies.

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