The Importance of Family in Hispanic Culture and How it Influences Digital Marketing

The importance of family in Hispanic culture cannot be undermined. Hispanics are highly connected to their families, and this eventually has an influence on the sustainability of their culture. There is a relative importance of cultural influence in the market based on family, heritage, and community.

The family connection of the Hispanic has much influence of their attitudes, purchasing behaviors, media consumption, social interactions, and technology usage. Consumers brought up in families with a strong connection and bonding tend to have great attitude and behaviors at the market.

A family in a Hispanic setting also tends to influence on income, spending, education which substantially add up to the purchasing capabilities of this population. If a business wants to have conversions when marketing to Hispanics, then they must understand the importance of family in Hispanic culture. Here are some facts that marketers need to know of the Hispanic families:

  • Around 35 percent of the Hispanics seek advice from family on the brands to purchase. This is more often than they consult their friends and colleagues.
  • Over 42 percent of the Hispanics are on Facebook and Twitter and frequently check out on advertised brands.
  • Hispanics make 70 percent of all growth in the US millennial population. This group is more likely to be married.
  • It is evident that young people from proper families are good at shopping and are excellent in consumption of advertisement products, and they can understand marketing messages.
  • Older Hispanics are treated as cultural stewards of their families; they hold traditions and culture which influences the populations’ buying behaviors and attitudes.
  • In most homes, several generations live under one roof; this affects consumption behaviors, buying habits, and the cooking styles.
  • Families with older people often adopt cooking styles from their countries of origin. Such families shop more on foods than the general population.
  • Hispanic families often shop at smaller neighborhood markets where they are sure to get everyday items for home use. In these markets, they can get traditional ethnic items that they would buy, all thanks to their cultural stewards.

Therefore, understanding the importance of family in Hispanic culture is useful in having an impact on marketing strategies. The family is the epicenter of their buying behaviors and attitudes. They consult and get guidance from the family. A brand that manages to convince the family to purchase their products will have a big win.

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