Hispanics by State: What you did not know

The Hispanic market is an attractive US market that any business would wish to try out. It is acclaimed to be a trendsetter in the US. It has incredible influence on how businesses do their selling. Here are some facts you didn’t know on Hispanics by State.


Around 1980, there were 14.6 million Hispanics in the US. 67% of this population was concentrated in only 47 counties. In 2014, this community had grown to over 57 million i.e. 18% of American population.


From 1995 to 2000 Hispanics by state population had grown tremendously. There was an average growth of 4.8%. However, in the wake of the 21st century, this growth slowed down. This has been particularly due to declined immigration from Latin America.


Hispanic population by State is not distributed equally. There are various figures of how Latinos are spread out in the US. The counties with the highest Latino population are Los Angeles (California) with 4.9 million, Harris County (Texas) has 1.9 million Hispanics, while Miami-Dade County in Florida comes third with a population of 1.8 million Hispanics.

Hispanics by States

Population California takes the lead with 15 million, Texas is second with 10.4 million, and Florida has a Hispanic population of 4.8 million. These three states account for more than 55% of the whole Hispanic population. However, these figures are bound to change as Hispanics are dispersing in search of good education and employment across the US.


Hispanic population by States is growing at a rapid rate. This growth is going towards ethnic plurality in US populous states. This has brought demographic changes and socio-cultural shifts in the US market.

With the current progress of Hispanics by states, other communities are now dropping the prior held misconceptions about Latinos and their market. Companies now are appreciating this market on the virtue of size, uniqueness, and value.


Hispanics are a unique community. They are the largest immigrant group to exhibit significant culture sustainability and are bound to influence the American market by it. Unfortunately, they have not received an authentic portrayal by the media and technology.

Companies that understand facts on Hispanics will be able to come up with feasible marketing strategies that will help make an impact and win customers. It’s commendable to understand these insights for effective planning and marketing.

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